Good Morning, Here we are on Day 3, way to go! This process takes some time, but it is worth the effort. Thanks for joining me on the journey…let’s build a path to YOUR DREAMs today.
Recap of one and two, check out these two articles first. If you completed them, let’s just review them here.
Day One – On the first day, you created a master list with six sections on a single page.
Evaluate where you are, what you have, and what is working…list all the good things in your life (not compared to someone else).
Determine what you want in your life such as meaningful interactions with; family, friends, good experiences, a good job, etc.
If you want to be healthier, make a list of how you can improve. (Example: what you eat, how you sleep and maybe how you can move more. No details, just the high-level view here).
List where you want to go with your life, and when you want to get there. (put some dates, months or years if needed to the BIG things you want to achieve).
Determine what your time and talents are worth and WHY you think you want to do this.
Determine what is getting in the way, just write all the things that come to mind, no need to be tidy here.
Day Two – On the second day, we started at the top of your list, focusing on where you are now and the great happenings around you. You were to craft a list of the great things in your life. The details are below.
Using Step 1, let’s now focus on what you have a talent for and why. You listed some information about who you are and what is working for you. Now you should have a rough draft of your talents and positive happenings in your life and what that affords you. These items are important to you, and you value them as a key part of your life. During this step, you were to create something to help you remember the important elements in your life already.
I created a watercolor picture, (my first attempt in years, please don’t judge :)). Also, for my desk, I created three rocks to use as paperweights on my desk. I combined several on one rock because they were all about relationships (family includes, friends, new relationships, and family).
Then, I crafted one about my purpose that is about my talents and accomplishments already. Finally, I created a third rock about my health. Getting healthy is going to be MY biggest focus of this year, so it needs to be front and center as a reminder. If you did not create something, consider doing this as a reminder of what you have and soon what you will accomplish. BTW, my grandson helped me paint them, it is about family even in this activity. 🙂
So, grab your reminder(s) of what you already have and want to keep, and let’s get to work.
Day Three – Today we are going to use both 1 & 2 to start to see where we are and imagine where we want to go.
Enter the DREAM LIST!
First, take a look at the list of all the great talents and events in your life. Take a minute to be grateful for these things; sometimes we breeze by what we already have because we want more or different. But, if we are always looking for the next thing, we are never enjoying and appreciating what is right in front of us.
If you created rocks, artwork or just wrote them on paper, keep them handy. These are the great things in your life! You need to be reminded about these things so as we plan you think about how you and all your great things will be impacted by your Dreams.
If you want to be successful in attaining your dreams, and you want to maintain the things and relationships you love, they must be considered together. I promise it will be the thing that could make or break your success. Unless you are giving up all the great things in your life for your dreams (and I hope you are not), they must be included and considered in planning your dreams. Leaving them out will lead to the madness that comes when you are trying so hard to find your passion and purpose and the other part of your life is left to chance, okay enough of that you get the point. I want you to find, plan and achieve your dreams and have a healthy, happy life doing it, that is where all the magic happens, and you want that magic!
This week, we will put down on paper the best of the best of your Dream List from item #2 on the first list of six topics that you created on day one.
Now, get your rocks, painting, artwork or list of the important items in your life so you can see them and refer to them as we go. You said they were important so let’s treat them as the treasures they are as we plan.
Now, take the first list and look at the items under number 2 (and number 3 if health is a huge priority for you) on that list. Are these really the things you want? Do you need to add something or delete something?
Remember these are your dreams; no one else determines your dreams but you.
Here are some examples…
Start or Finish College
Get Married or Have a Family
Travel to Europe (that one is mine) or just travel
Get healthy
Run a marathon
Get a job at…
Write a book
Find my Purpose
Sing with or sing at…
But, the examples can look like this too.
Wake up at 5am
Finish a project
Learn to be on time
Overcome anxiety
Learn to…
Stop doing…
Be happy
Circle or add to the original list any of the important items that you REALLY want to achieve in your lifetime. Now, circle the top three. We will work with them all so don’t worry if you are leaving some for now. Just pick the top three on the list for now. Remember, the focus is the key here, so really think about your decision. If deciding is hard, think about how you feel when you think about accomplishing those things. That should tell you which ones make your heart sing. 🙂
Now that you have your BIG THREE (sorry for the This is Us reference) let’s do some work. Once you have the reminders of life’s blessings, grab some nice paper, and a nice pen. Sit in a quiet, calm place. If you are a praying person (I am), you might just say a short prayer asking for wisdom and clarity. This is only your Dreams now.
Take that paper and the list from day one and create a bulleted list of the THREE BIG dreams you have for yourself. Leave some space between each one for some reflective thought this week as you think about and plan your details for your Dream List.
Okay, great work you have the BIG THREE!
Here are my BIG THREE
Lose weight and get healthy
See my business and book thrive
Travel to Europe
Now, look at the list of your blessings. Does anything on this list conflict with that list? For example, if you are married and that is a blessing, leaving the country to study abroad would affect your marriage. That does not mean you can’t have that dream, just put the person or activity you have to consider when you follow that dream. Add that person or activity next to the dream. See my example below; I need to consider these people and this activity as I plan my dream.
3. Travel to Europe (my children, grandchildren, Mom, business, and pups)
Now, take a minute and read your top three items you want to accomplish. YOU DID IT; there they are on paper.
The homework for the week is the path to those dreams. During each day this week take 10 minutes each day and add a few details to these three dreams. Just brainstorm what the path looks like and what do the stepping stone in the path contain (education, training, support, planning, money, etc.)?
Why do you want to accomplish this dream?
When do you want to accomplish this dream? (put a date of some sort, I want to go to Europe this year)
What do you know about this dream? (Do you need to learn something to achieve your dream?)
Who will this impact the most and how?
What steps do you KNOW you need to take to get to this dream?
Anything else that helps you make this dream a reality.
Then, bring all this work with you next week so you can start putting dates, times, steps, actions, goals, and needs to your Dreams.
Wow, you should be so excited and so proud of the work you are doing to help you find, support and accomplish your dreams. I would LOVE to hear your BIG THREE. Please feel free to share in the comments or email me directly in the contact section. Let’s do this together. Shelley