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Review of Week Three 

Determine YOUR Big Three Dreams! (either a basketball or This is Us reference, hahahaha!)

Answer the questions below for all three.

The homework for the week is the path to those dreams. During each day this week take 10 minutes each day and add a few details to these three dreams. Just brainstorm what the path looks like and what do the stepping stone in the path contain (education, training, support, planning, money, etc.)?

  1. Why do you want to accomplish this dream?
  2. When do you want to accomplish this dream? (put a date of some sort, I want to go to Europe this year)
  3. What do you know about this dream? (Do you need to learn something to achieve your dream?)
  4. Who will this impact the most and how?
  5. What steps do you KNOW you need to take to get to this dream?
  6. Anything else that helps you make this dream a reality.

Then, bring all this work with you next week so you can start putting dates, times, steps, actions, goals, and needs to your Dreams.

Wow, you should be so excited and so proud of the work you are doing to help you find, support and accomplish your dreams.

Week 4 – Prioritize Your Dreams – The Big Three 

Today is all about reviewing your Big Three and just starting with one.

Which one of the three do you want to start with to build out a detailed plan? Why? What does it provide you? Write the answers down on a paper, you will need this to motivate you…it is your “WHY”! Keep it close as you complete this activity today.

Using just one Dream (I promise we will get to the others, but for now, ONLY this one gets your focus), write a complete paragraph on what you want to achieve, why, how, where and any other details you can imagine. It does not hurt to include how you are going to feel and what you want to glean, learn or take away from achieving this dream.

For example – My dream is to go to France, see Paris, eat the food, walk on the plaza, visit the villages, shop, see the sights and end the tour at Normandy Beach to remember my Dad. I would like to do that in the late summer of 2019, not in June when “D-day” happened because that will be too painful to see. I want the joy of the location and the beauty of the countryside to be what I remember, just like Dad and I had planned. I want to stay at least a week so that jet lag and travel time is allowed to see it all. I want to buy something valuable or memorable to mark my time there and reward myself for achieving this life-long dream.

Your dream can be huge, or it can be small. It can be something that requires time or something you can do this week…it is YOUR DREAM so make it what you want, how you want and with the details you create.

Once you have the paragraph (or two) about this dream of yours, the next step is to brainstorm everything you need to do to achieve this dream. You should have some notes from last week’s homework to help, but this should not be rushed. Do NOT worry about the order or that you may be missing something, just keep writing. Keep this paper with you all week and add things as they come to you.

Some items that might help include…

A. Do you need training, special material, a trainer or a guide to achieve this dream?

B. Do you need tools, a process, or paperwork to achieve this dream?

C. Do you need to talk to someone or alert someone or apply for something to achieve this dream?

D. Do you need special materials, hardware, software, or clothes to achieve this dream?

E. Do you need to change something about you or someone else to achieve this dream?

F. Do you need permission, access, or approval to achieve this dream?

G. Do you need time off or designated time or a place to achieve this dream?

See where I am headed? Brainstorm it all!

I am going to brainstorm my trip and join you back here next week with a list as an example.

NOW, Once you think you have it ALL (you will have more) then and only then can you try and start from the end point…(for me it will be my trip and work backward to map out the PATH to your MAJOR DREAM!

Here is how that works!

Using pretty Post-it notes (you can use what you have, or there is an affiliate link to some pretty colors for you).

Write each item on your brainstorm list on each Post-it note, only one item per Post-It Note until you have ALL the brainstorming items transferred.

Now, take some time and work from the day that you achieve your goal back to today. I like to start with blank sheets of paper with the months (or years) listed on them to stick the notes on working backward month to month.

Then, you can take each sheet (month), and try and put those Post-It Notes in order, this breaks down the process. It is not an exact science, it is okay if you move things, delete or amend things and even add notes where needed. I promise you there will be more notes needed.

So, if I want to go in August of 2019 to France, I will take my brainstorm list and my April – August sheets of paper and add the notes to each month where I think they may fall.

Special suggestion – To keep this process going, try and not stop to research something or get answers to questions until you have all the notes written and on the paper. Otherwise, that will distract you from this activity. Instead, make a note on the back of the note of an action you need to take next week once we finish this list.

That is it for this week, take the whole week to brainstorm and create this path using #1 of the BIG THREE. See you next week where we add the details and the timeline so that you see the path you need to take to achieve your DREAM! 🙂

Till then, happy week and enjoy this activity!
