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What Kind of Tator Are You? Paperback



Do your children realize that they have different “TATORS” in them, and they can choose to be any Tator that they want to be?

This fun book helps children see the different Tators that they can be like at times. As you read WHAT KIND OF “TATOR” ARE YOU? you can teach your children all about the attributes of the different Tators. Children are drawn to these funny Tators and begin to see how their attitudes can affect others.

Yes, they can choose to be an AgiTATOR with their sister, brother, or friend. They can be a HesiTATOR when it comes to being brave, learning, or trying something new. They can be a CommenTATOR when they think they know more than anyone else. They can be a SpecTATOR just standing by, looking on, and not using their knowledge and talents at all. They can be the bossy DicTATOR. Or they can be an ImiTATOR. This Tator is imitating the behavior, attitude, and attributes of Christ.

The ImiTATOR shows the other Tators how to be caring, kind, patient, honest, filled with joy, and loving. The result is that ALL the Tators see that they can become ImiTATORs too. Even the AgiTATOR shares his love and caring with a brand-new Tator, the DicTATOR.

This book is the perfect book to introduce the virtues, attitudes, and attributes of an ImiTATOR. You will want to add it to every child’s and grandparent’s library. What a wonderful donation to provide for your favorite Sunday school teachers’ collections! It will make an excellent gift for birthdays and Christmas too.




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